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Interactive Project Ideas

Updated: Jun 8, 2022

Idea 1# "Hmong Journey"

My idea here is to create a Twine project that would could either direct you into the lives of either a first generation Hmong-American or of the Hmong people who had to escape the communist forces in Laos. I want to base this off of my own and my father's experience. The very beginning of the journey will determine the whole trajectory of your journey. I will take my father's experiences and his stories to create the possible paths that could happen and I will also utilize my own experiences. This will not be an attempt to create a comparison but rather a uniting of the two stories that come with being pf Hmong heritage. I will use this project to give attention to the forgotten and abandoned Hmong people, and give perspective and educate those who are unaware of our stories.

Idea 2# "Study-Time"

I will create a video that will be interactive in you as the viewer get to decide what happens next in the story. I will create videos of what would happen based on the decisions that were made. It will tell the story of a student trying to study. It is up to the viewer to decide and be in the mind of a student who struggles to focus, to create the outcome of what happens. I will utilize links to show the result of the viewers decisions. This will focus on purely entertaining and to give a space for relating.

Idea 3# "Philosophy of Samurai Champloo"

I've always wanted to create a video essay. So I wanted to take this opportunity to finally attempt to do just that. There are so many things I'd love to talk and explore about, but I have to start with one of my very first and favorite anime's, "Samurai Champloo". This anime was what really opened my eyes to what anime could do, and it also expanded my view of what Hip-hop could be. This show was a monumental achievement, in that the perfect blend of Hip-Hop, anime, and Japanese aesthetic created a beautiful experience. An experience that made me feel full of bliss, adrenaline, and even at times transcendental with it's over the top visuals and storytelling. I want to give more attention to this piece of art to all those that love Hip-Hop, anime, or even just want a story to escape from reality and be immersed in a world where anything could happen. I want to focus solely though on one specific episode, and that episode is episode 11 titled "Gamblers and Gallantry". This episode struck a cord with me, especially due to my embarrassing soft spot for Romance. This episode shows one of the many colors that this show shows through a story of love and critique of some traditional views and traditions. I will discuss just how beautiful this episode is and why it deserves to be seen.

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